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HEMAtac Refereeing Training 2017 Prezi—English

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Refereeing Course and License

Bout management and action interpretation skills training

Our program has been created by the cooperation of HEMA instructors and fencing coaches and referees - among others, the coach who introduced the 1-decisionmaker-model in HEMA, Dr Lukasz Majewski. We aim to develop and offer the best practices that referees in historical European weapon competitions need for quality work.

We support this system since it works well with the human capacity – however, it also requires specific training to become successful. Check out the fencing theoretical presentation, or contact us for a first hand introduction.

The course consists of a series of theoretical and practical workshops, and involve sparring – therefore, complete protective equipment is required for the majority of the participants. ​

Our students take an exam in the end of the course, which enables them to apply for the license to work in Slovak and Czech competitions. The training takes 3-5 days, and may include further assistance to prepare for the licensing exam, if needed. At least five students should enroll in a course, in order to create an efficient learning environment.

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